There is an “I” in iPhone: Mine

Ok, you really didn’t think I would go a whole year without buying clothes and not treat myself at all did you? . . . Good, because if I didn’t, I would have surely gone insane.

Now, don’t get me wrong; I didn’t go out and hit up the first cellular store around the block. It was actually a strategic decision to buy a new phone or to stay with my Samsung Rant. What? You never heard of that phone? That’s OK because they don’t make them, along with VCRs anymore.

Let me Introduce You to My iPhone5

Let me Introduce You to My iPhone5

It’s a funny thing, but after I stopped buying clothes, I really stopped going into stores all together.  My new hot spot to visit was Festival Foods, where I could buy anything and everything because I couldn’t wear it. (Only Lady Gaga can pull off a meat dress.) This is when I realized that I was beginning to get very cheap, so cheap that my shampoo quality had hit rock bottom—from Pantene to Suave. Ladies, this is when you know it is bad. I mean Pantene is one thing, but Suave for $.99 a bottle is on a whole other level, right up there with gritty Roundy’s ice cream.  Before I knew it, I would be wearing sweatpants to Festival. It was time for a change. I needed to upgrade something before it was too late; a cell phone was my best option since my alarm clock had been recently starting to go off randomly, but most often, at 3 a.m.

I did my research, searching each and every carrier, comparing their phone prices, plans, and coverage. There was an immediate winner: Verizon. I wanted the best service. I was tired of searching for a signal on my Sprint phone which required me to, at times, stand on my tiptoes with my phone over my head praying for a miracle.  Next, I had to decide on a phone. I didn’t even give the non-smart phones one look. I headed straight to the new iPhone5. Jon has an iPhone, and I have to admit, I had a little crush on it, so much so, that I couldn’t keep my hands off of it. (Ok, I will stop there before it gets weird.) Needless to say, Jon was happy when I upgraded.

The first night I had my iPhone, it was like I was a little kid, trying to fall asleep Christmas night after opening all my presents; I desperately wanted to get up and play with my new toy: Tweet, Facebook, Stumble, . . . Yes, I have traded one obsession (clothing) for another (technology). Now, I can just search the web anytime I want and look at all the dresses I can’t buy, haha!